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AI DIAL Announce

AI DIAL is a secure, scalable, and customizable enterprise-grade AI ecosystem developed by EPAM RAIL (Reliable AI Lab). AI DIAL serves as a single access point, merging cloud-exclusive and open-source models with traditional data and knowledge bases, and offering a unified natural language interface for the entire organization.

Official EPAM announcement.

Selected Features

  • Privacy & Security: from the very inception, we made a strong emphasis on the privacy of sensitive data and security,  adhering to the best practices of the chosen cloud platform.
  • Cloud and Model-Agnostic: the solution can be deployed on any cloud and gives access to a wide range of LLM models. 
  • Ability to Plugin Corporate Data: AI DIAL enables seamless integration of custom data into various LLMs.
  • Customizable U(: chat app is fully customizable, allowing it to render various visual elements such as charts, graphs, and much more. 
  • API-First: all features are accessible via APIs, making AI DIAL a great component for productivity apps and other integrations.

Visit RAIL website to learn more about AI DIAL.