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Real-Time Front-End Software Engineer

We see a Real-Time Front-End Software Engineer as a JavaScript software engineer whose primary focus is real-time in-browser data processing and visualization. Apart from standard JS frameworks and technologies, that implies heavy expertise in certain areas: charting (d3.js, bokeh, pixijs, highcharts, TradingView), grid libraries (ag-grid, react-virtualized), server-to-client communications (WebSockets, SSE, long polling), precise datatypes (bigjs, moment) sometimes low-level drawing API (canvas, SVG, WebGL) may be used for performance tasks. Working with real-time data also requires experience with certain development patterns: reactive-based processing (RxJs), usage of Web workers and accurate management of data flows and application state. Having so many heavy computations/updates on the Web front-end often leads to JS performance optimization. Projects rely on data pretty often, so a basic understanding of BA/BI development requirements is expected, to polish and negotiate the specs with analysts.

Here we provide a list of skills and technologies we are interested in. See for yourself, whether any of them are in your scope of expertise or interest. You do not have to master all of them. Tell us what your strong side is and we will find the right task for you. We value the thrive for knowledge and self-development within our team.

  • Strong knowledge of HTML5, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, AJAX.
  • Knowledge of Web protocols and technologies: HTTP, TCP, SSL.
  • Understanding of front-end build tools: Webpack, Gulp.
  • Understanding the MVC Pattern.
  • Experience in the development of Web applications with front-end frameworks (Angular 2+ / React).
  • Understanding of the essence of unit-testing techniques and tools.
  • Fluent with git, build/CI systems, and NPM.
It is also an advantage if you have the following skills:
  • Understanding of the REST API building principles.
  • Experience in building Web applications with duplex client-server data exchange (WebSockets).
  • Experience with data charting components (D3.js, Pixi.js).
  • Experience with full-stack Web development.
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